Oct 19, 2010

Mood Swings of the Fast and Tiny

Can it possibly have been a week since I've been down in my sewing room!? Gosh, some weeks just get so busy that the time disappears. This was just one of them... work 'things', a little bit of travel, cranky teething baby, sniffly sickness, and complete exhaustion.

I made myself work on the second princess costume a little bit last night. I got the bodice and lining cut and sewed together. It's a start!
Trying to 'fit' a 15-month-old is, um... difficult. Here's the progression:

 Cutie Evie playing it up for the camera.
Running and giggling - I chase her around the kitchen table trying to get a photo.
 Deciding she doesn't like the camera flash. More running ensues - this time with screaming.
Yelling at me (it's gibberish, but I quite easily understood that it was a tongue-lashing)
"Okay, Mom. Enough is enough. I'm pissed!"

The End. :)


  1. Oh dear! I think it is ok if princess costumes are just made a little big to be sure. Then you don't have to worry about them fitting!

  2. Awhhhh...the tumultuous toddlerhood ;-) I've nearly forgotten what that was like. I'm sure she will be a very pretty princess in the end.

  3. I can't wait to see her as a full fledged princess. She'll be all smiles then. She is darling!
